04 May 2012

home by linn

photos home by linn

sweeet linn and her family just moved in to their new built house
and it is looking sooo good, i am totally in love with the soft details, 
the string shelves, and of course the all white scandinavian style

check out more of this beautiful home over at home by linn

happy friiiday

pssst; elv's is having a give away you don't want to miss, pop on over to elv's to join


  1. Beautiful home, lovely!. Have a wonderful weekend!, big hug!.

  2. Det ser verkligen fint ut...Kram

  3. lekkert hjem du viser, her må jeg inn å ta en titt, takk som deler:-)

  4. *blush*

    tusen takk for så fin omtale!

    stas å sjå bileta sine på denne måten. og kjekt at du har funne fram dei gamle bileta av dessertkaka. du er god!

    håpar du har fine helgedagar

    -god klem


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